Emerson Academy has been working diligently to maintain a safe, healthy environment for our students, their families, and staff.
A few of our staff members, as well as a child in the Butterfly (2 year old) class and a child in the Dolphin (infant) class, have been exposed to Influenza A through direct contact with family members that have Influenza A. Due to confidentiality we cannot disclose which teachers/students have tested positive for Influenza A, so please do not ask the staff. Although it is impossible to prevent the spread of Influenza entirely, we are following all precautions suggested by the Texas Department of Health, which can be found at:
www.texasflu.org In order to lessen the spread of the flu we ask that ALL persons entering Emerson:• wash hands upon entering (you may use the restroom and/or alcohol-based hand cleanser)
• limit time spent in direct contact with the children as much as possible
• cover coughs/sneezes with a tissue, wash hands after disposing
• STAY HOME if you are symptomatic (fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, abdominal pain, and/or upset stomach)
Protocol for influenza symptoms:• ALL staff and students of Emerson Academy will be separated from the group and sent home at the first sign of flu symptoms
o Please make sure that we have your most current contact information on file!
• Staff/Students of Emerson Academy must be fever free for at least 24 hours before they can return to school, unless they have a doctor’s note stating that he/she can return to school/work
• Emerson Academy will remain open unless we get to the point where Influenza makes it to where there are too few staff to operate