Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ocho's Editorial

Happy New Year! I don't believe I've been formally introduced! My name is Ocho. I am a Nigerian Pygmy Goat, a handsome chap if I do say so myself. I live at Emerson Academy and I've asked for a little space on the Blog so that I can tell you what REALLY goes on around here!
I have been around since I was just a kid, being bottle fed by Stacey and the other kids who come here everyday. If it hadn't been for the human children who took care of me...well, I shudder to think where I could have ended up. Much like most of my barnyard friends, we've all mostly come to live here because other humans couldn't take care of us...but the children here love us and take great care of us...even the ducks!
I'll be writing to you every week, sharing the magic that I see happen at Emerson Academy everyday. Even though I'm very busy being the boss of the barnyard, eating hay and napping, I do keep my eye on things around here and I'll fill you in on what I see! Nice to meet you and talk to you all soon!

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